Medical - Patient Templates

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Emergency Room Visit (23 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey of ER services including waiting time, cleanliness of facilities, and treatment by staff
Emergency Room Visit (9 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey of ER services including waiting time, cleanliness of facilities, and treatment by staff
Hospital Services - In-Patient (23 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of in-patient hospital care includes items about registration, nursing staff, and doctor care
Hospital Services - In-Patient (7 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of in-patient hospital care includes items about registration, nursing staff, and doctor care
Hospital Services - Out Patient (15 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of out-patient care includes questions about registration, cleanliness of facilities, and quality of care
Hospital Services - Out Patient (10 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of out-patient care includes questions about registration, cleanliness of facilities, and quality of care
Medical Laboratory Satisfaction - Patient (10 questions) View Template View Template
Patient satisfaction survey of laboratory services including billing, specimen collection, and staff
Medical Laboratory Satisfaction - Patient (10 questions) View Template View Template
Patient satisfaction survey of laboratory services including billing, specimen collection, and staff
Medical Web Use (13 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of web usage for medical related questions includes items on self-diagnosis and communication with physician
Medical Web Use (10 questions) View Template View Template
Patient survey of web usage for medical related questions includes items on self-diagnosis and communication with physician
Office/Clinic Survey (23 questions) View Template View Template
Patient satisfaction survey of physicians office including staff and doctor satisfaction and waiting times
Office/Clinic Survey (10 questions) View Template View Template
Patient satisfaction survey of physicians office including staff and doctor satisfaction and waiting times