Academic - K - 12 Templates

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Elementary Teacher Evaluation (10 questions) View Template View Template
Parent evaluation survey of teacher that includes questions about classroom environment, academic standards, home communication and more
Elementary Teacher Evaluation (23 questions) View Template View Template
Parent evaluation survey of teacher that includes questions about classroom environment, academic standards, home communication and more
Basic Demographics (10 questions) View Template View Template
Basic information including age, income, race, respondent education and parental education
Basic Demographics (10 questions) View Template View Template
Basic information including age, income, race, respondent education and parental education
Collaborative Teaching (13 questions) View Template View Template
Primary/Secondary survey of collaborative teaching
Collaborative Teaching (10 questions) View Template View Template
Primary/Secondary survey of collaborative teaching
Family Involvement - Elementary (10 questions) View Template View Template
Parental involvement in elementary education includes questions regarding in-school and at-home involvement.
Family Involvement - Elementary (23 questions) View Template View Template
Parental involvement in elementary education includes questions regarding in-school and at-home involvement.
High School Student Retention (8 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of students to determine reasons for not completing high school
High School Student Retention (8 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of students to determine reasons for not completing high school
High School Students - Study/Grades (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey of study curriculum, self-reported grades, time spent on homework, extracurricular activities, and more
High School Students - Study/Grades (17 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey of study curriculum, self-reported grades, time spent on homework, extracurricular activities, and more
Home Environment - Child Survey (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey about home environment, rules, parental involvement and more
Home Environment - Child Survey (19 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey about home environment, rules, parental involvement and more
Home Environment - Parent Survey (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student home environment includes questions about family composition, parental regulations and household capital
Home Environment - Parent Survey (28 questions) View Template View Template
Student home environment includes questions about family composition, parental regulations and household capital
HS Student - Electives Satisfaction (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student evaluation of elective course offerings: quality, availability, and more
HS Student - Electives Satisfaction (14 questions) View Template View Template
Student evaluation of elective course offerings: quality, availability, and more
HS Students - Grades/Parental Influence (16 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey including self-reported grades, time spent on homework, parental help with homework, parental educational expectations, and more
HS Students - Grades/Parental Influence (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey including self-reported grades, time spent on homework, parental help with homework, parental educational expectations, and more
Magazine/Journal Satisfaction (10 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey for teaching magazine or journal for K-12 educators. Includes questions on practical classroom application and more
Magazine/Journal Satisfaction (16 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey for teaching magazine or journal for K-12 educators. Includes questions on practical classroom application and more
PTO Fundraising (12 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of possible fundraising activities and interest in assisting with fundraising
PTO Fundraising (10 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of possible fundraising activities and interest in assisting with fundraising
PTO Information Survey (11 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of parent knowledge of and participation in the PTO
PTO Information Survey (10 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of parent knowledge of and participation in the PTO
School Climate - Student (10 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey of school climate. Includes questions about personal safety, student assistance, social satisfaction and more
School Climate - Student (22 questions) View Template View Template
Student survey of school climate. Includes questions about personal safety, student assistance, social satisfaction and more
School Climate - Teacher (20 questions) View Template View Template
Teacher survey of school climate including questions about teacher-teacher, teacher-student and teacher-parent dynamics
School Climate - Teacher (10 questions) View Template View Template
Teacher survey of school climate including questions about teacher-teacher, teacher-student and teacher-parent dynamics
School Safety - Parent (18 questions) View Template View Template
School safety survey of parents including questions on supervision, emergency response policies, visitor policies and more
School Safety - Parent (10 questions) View Template View Template
School safety survey of parents including questions on supervision, emergency response policies, visitor policies and more
School Safety - Teachers (19 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of teachers regarding school safety including questions on policy, support, and safety training for teachers
School Safety - Teachers (10 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of teachers regarding school safety including questions on policy, support, and safety training for teachers
Teacher Demographics - K-12 (10 questions) View Template View Template
Demographics specific to K-12 teachers includes questions on level of education, length of teaching experience, grades taught, and more
Teacher Demographics - K-12 (10 questions) View Template View Template
Demographics specific to K-12 teachers includes questions on level of education, length of teaching experience, grades taught, and more
Teaching Resources & Support (15 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluation of technological and ideological teaching resources and support
Teaching Resources & Support (10 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluation of technological and ideological teaching resources and support