Collaborative Learning example

This is an example Collaborative Learning survey. This survey includes questions like:

We hope this will help you create your own Collaborative Learning survey. We have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.

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1) What type of collaborative learning do you use in the classroom? (Check all that apply)
  • In-Class Work Groups
  • Single Project Teams
  • E-Mail Chat Groups
  • Online Chat/Discussion Groups
  • Other:
2) What is your main purpose for placing students in collaborative learning groups?
3) Please rank the following benefits of collaborative learning by importance with 1 being least important and 5 being most important.
  1 2 3 4 5
Learning to Work in Groups
Help to Learn Course Content
Increase Between-Student Communication
Increase Student Involvement
Foster Integration (gender, racial, ethnic, etc)
4) In establishing collaborative groups, what is the primary method you use to assign students to groups?
  • Student Choice
  • Random Assignment
  • By Ability
  • By Seating
  • Other:
5) Do you require regular reports/assignments from groups or only the final product?
  • Reports/Assignments
  • Final Project Only
6) How much time do you spend working with individual groups in an average week?
7) How often do you receive complaints from students about other group/team members?
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never
8) Do you allow students to transfer to different groups or withdraw from groups at any time during the project?
  • Yes
  • No
9) For which of the following reasons will you allow students to transfer or withdraw from group work? (Check all that apply)
  • Serious Incompatibility Issues
  • Inability to Meet with Group at Designated Time
  • Failure to Complete Required Tasks
  • No Allowances for Transfers or Withdrawals from Groups
10) To what extent do you work with groups to solve group dynamic problems?
  • Great Deal
  • Some
  • Little
  • None (Do not get involved)
11) How long have you been teaching?
12) How long have you used collaborative learning in the classroom?
13) Have you attended any training sessions or workshops on collaborative learning?
  • Yes
  • No
14) From which of the following sources do you get collaborative learning ideas? (Check all that apply)
  • Training Sessions or Workshops
  • Teaching Publications
  • Colleagues
  • Online Sources
  • Other:
15) Please tell us how your school can provide assistance for collaborative learning in the classroom.
16) Please tell us any concerns or problems you have experienced regarding collaborative learning.
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