Instructor Technology example
This is an example Instructor Technology survey. This survey includes questions like:
What type of technology do you use in the classroom to aid in your teaching? (Check all that Apply)
How satisfied are you with the availability of computer technology in the classroom?
How satisfied are you with the availability of overhead projection technology in the classroom?
We hope this will help you create your own Instructor Technology survey. We
have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may
use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to
change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.
1) What type of technology do you use in the classroom to aid in your teaching? (Check all that Apply)
Please tell us how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the following classroom technology . 2) How satisfied are you with the availability of computer technology in the classroom?
3) How satisfied are you with the availability of overhead projection technology in the classroom?
4) How satisfied are you with the availability of video technology in the classroom?
5) How satisfied are you with the availability of audio technology in the classroom?
6) Overall, how easy is it to access technology in the classroom?
7) Approximately how many hours do you spend weekly preparing technological materials for use in the classroom?
Select one...
Less than 1 Hour per Week
1-2 Hours per Week
3-4 Hours per Week
5-6 Hours per Week
7-8 Hours per Week
More than 8 Hours per Week
8) What, if anything, can be done to improve the use of technology in the classroom?
9) What type of online technology do you use to aid in your teaching? (Check all that Apply)
Please tell us how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the following online technology. 10) How satisfied are you with the availability of a course website for teaching?
11) How satisfied are you with the availability of online grade reporting?
12) How satisfied are you with the availabilty of online quiz/testing technology?
13) How satisfied are you with the availabilty of online surveying of students?
14) Overall, how easy is it to use the online technology available to you for teaching?
15) Approximately how much time do you spend weekly preparing online technological materials for use in teaching?
Select one...
Less than 1 Hour per Week
1-2 Hours per Week
3-4 Hours per Week
5-6 Hours per Week
7-8 Hours per Week
More than 8 Hours per Week
16) What, if anything, can be done to improve the use of online technology for teaching?
17) How long have you been teaching?
Select one...
Less than 1 Year
1-2 Years
3-4 Years
5-6 Years
7-8 Years
9-10 Years
11 or More Years
18) What is the average size of the class(es) you teach?
Select one...
Less than 10 Students
11-15 Students
16-20 Students
21-30 Students
31-40 Students
41-50 Student
50-100 Students
101-200 Students
201-300 Students
More than 300 Students
19) How long have you been using technology in the classroom?
Select one...
Less than 1 Year
1-2 Years
3-4 Years
5-6 Years
7-8 Years
9-10 Years
More than 10 Years