Local Government Satisfaction example

This is an example Local Government Satisfaction survey. This survey includes questions like:

We hope this will help you create your own Local Government Satisfaction survey. We have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.

Sign up to start building your survey!

1) Do you feel the job the Mayor is doing is Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
2) Do you feel the job your city council person is doing is Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
3) Are you registered to vote?
  • Yes
  • No
4) Did you vote in the last LOCAL election?
  • Yes
  • No
5) Have you ever contacted your Mayor's office about a problem or concern you have had?
  • Yes
  • No
6) Have you ever contacted your city council person about a problem or concern you have had?
  • Yes
  • No

Please tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with the following:

7) The Mayor is aware of what is happening in the community and acts promptly on issues of community well-being.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
8) The local city council members listen to residents in the community and respond appropriately.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
9) The well-being of the community as a whole is considered more important then the needs of a few when important decisions affecting the community are made.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
10) The Mayor cares more about being re-elected then solving important problems in the community.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
11) City Council members care more about being re-elected then solving important problems in the community.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
12) Do you attend City Council or planning meetings that are open to the public?
  • Yes
  • No
13) What, if anything, do you feel can be done to improve the functioning of local government?
14) What is your age?
15) Are you male or female?
16) What is your total household income?
17) What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Sign up to start building your survey!