Internal Communications example

This is an example Internal Communications survey. This survey includes questions like:

We hope this will help you create your own Internal Communications survey. We have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.

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Which of the following best describes your impression of communications at Cairns Regional Council?

  • Keeps me fully informed
  • Keeps me fairly informed
  • Keeps me adequately informed
  • Gives me only a limited amount of information
  • Doesn’t tell me much at all about what’s going on

How useful do you find the information you currently receive?

  • Very useful
  • Somewhat useful
  • Not very useful
  • Not useful at all

How would you rate your knowledge of the following areas within Cairns Regional Council. (Rating: 1 being ‘not knowledgeable at all’ to 5 being ‘highly knowledgeable’)

  1 2 3 4 5
Strategic Direction
Policies and Procedures
Ongoing Accomplishments
Issues facing the Council
What’s On (Council events)
Major projects/campaigns
News from the Executive team

Where do you currently receive information about what is going on at Council? (Choose as many as you like)

  • The grapevine/informal networks
  • My supervisor/Manager
  • Staff Intranet
  • CEO visit/staff forums
  • Council website
  • The Loop, staff newsletter
  • Notice Boards
  • All-staff emails
  • Other (please specify)

From the following topics, which ones do you believe are vital you receive communication about? (Choose as many as you like)

  • New Council Policy and Procedures
  • Training and development programs
  • Getting to know staff (staff profiles)
  • What’s On
  • Staff initiatives
  • Council success stories
  • Human resources initiatives
  • Products and services available to staff
  • Promotions and appointments
  • Socials
  • Human interest
  • Major Projects/campaigns
  • Other (please specify)

From which of the following sources would you prefer to receive your general information about what is going on at Council? 

  • Staff Intranet
  • All-staff emails
  • The Loop (staff newsletter)
  • Noticeboards
  • CEO visits/staff forums
  • Other (please specify)

Do you read The Loop?

  • Yes
  • No

What is your favourite section of The Loop?


How do you read The Loop?

  • I read it online
  • I receive a copy in the internal mail
  • I pick up a copy from my lunchroom
  • I print articles/sections of most interest to me and read them later
  • I don’t have time to read it
  • I don’t read The Loop

What best describes the work that you do?


In regards to internal communication, are there any other comments you would like to make?


In regards to communication at Council, what didn’t this survey cover that you would like to tell us about?

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