Instructional School Survey example

This is an example Instructional School Survey survey. This survey includes questions like:

We hope this will help you create your own Instructional School Survey survey. We have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.

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Please tell us how satisfied you are with each of the following:

1) Overall, how satisfied are you with the availability of classes?
  • Very Satisfied
  • Somewhat Satisfied
  • Undecided
  • Somewhat Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

2) The instructors are knowledgeable about the subject they teach.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
3) The instructors are patient with the students.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
4) The instructors take the necessary time to ensure students are learning appropriately.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
5) The instructors are well prepared for class.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
6) The instructors stimulate interest in the class.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
7) The school is well equipped.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
8) The school is well maintained.
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Undecided
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
9) Would you say the number of students in the classes you take are too few, about right, or too many?
  • Too Few
  • About Right
  • Too Many
  • Undecided
10) Overall, how satisfied are you with the instructors at this school?
  • Very Satisfied
  • Somewhat Satisfied
  • Undecided
  • Somewhat Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied
Sign up to start building your survey!