E-Learning: Student Information example

This is an example E-Learning: Student Information survey. This survey includes questions like:

We hope this will help you create your own E-Learning: Student Information survey. We have not tested the validitiy or reliability of this survey. However, you may use this as a starting point to help your own survey instrument. Feel free to change and edit any of our survey templates to help you get started.

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1) Student Name
2) Age
3) What is the highest level of education you have completed?
4) How many previous web-based learning courses have you completed?
5) What is your main reason for taking this course?
6) How will you be connecting to the internet to participate in this course?
7) Will you be doing the majority of your coursework from home, office, both home and office, or some place else?
8) What type of web browser will you be using to access the course?
9) What, if any, special needs do you have to participate in this e-learning course?
10) What are your expectations for this course?
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